반응형 GLDI2 [2021년 GLDI CP:R] 오는 가을, 대학 생활 시작 준비되었나요? (대학 신입생 신앙훈련 프로그램) 관심 있으신 분들은 아래 링크를 클릭하세요~ CP:R_College Prep: Radiant | GLDI (jamagldi.org) CP:R_College Prep: Radiant | GLDI There were specific seminars that were practical, and I learned things that I could directly apply to my college life. It's only 5 days but you will have fun, make friends and be in a strong community of fellow believers. It is so powerful and you really n www.jamagldi.org 2021. 6. 15. CP:R_College Prep: Radiant | GLDI (jamagldi.org) HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED? How can I make my faith my own? Can I believe in science and still be a Christian? How do I defend my faith? Can I succeed academically and still have a life? How do I develop habits for success? What is God’s purpose for my life? In what ways can I develop meaningful and lasting relationships? What does it mean to date well? How can I use my strengths to make a differenc.. 2021. 6. 5. 이전 1 다음 반응형